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Shaped End Radiator

Transient Analysis Examples - Antennas


Shaped End:

Tilted 30 End:

Tilted 60 End:



General Description


This example is a multiple modes antenna. It is constructed by a cylindrical tube that is fed by a dipole antenna. Depending on the chosen file, the end of the tube is cut by a tilted plane of 0, 30 or 60 degrees.


Structure Generation


The tube is created by a cylinder that has been "shelled". For the 30 and 60 degree examples the working coordinate system has been used to cut through the top part of the tube. The dipole antenna is a solid cylinder.


Solver Setup


For the excitation a discrete port is placed between the dipole and the bottom wall of the tube. Depending on the example one or two symmetry planes are defined. Also open boundary conditions are chosen for all calculation domain bounds.

An electric, magnetic and a farfield monitor are defined to allow the visualization of the fields after the simulation.


Post Processing


The scattering parameters and the time signals can be accessed through the 1D Results folder in the navigation tree.

The electric/magnetic fields can be accessed through 2D/3D Results E-Field e-field (f=8.6)[1] and 2D/3D Results H-Field h-field (f=8.6)[1] Also the surface currents, calculated from the h-field, can be seen under 2D/3D Results Surface Current.

The farfield can be found in Farfields farfield (f=8.6)[1].  

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