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Circular Resonator

Transient Analysis Examples - S-Parameter Calculations: Microstrip Devices




General Description


In this example the S-parameter calculation of a circular resonator is presented. The device consists of two strip lines rotated by 90 degree and connected by a ring structure.


Structure Generation


The strip lines are constructed using solid bricks, while the connecting ring structure is given by a cylinder. The ground plane underneath the substrate brick is represented by the electric boundary condition.

Above the complete resonant structure some space is defined with the help of the background properties.


Solver Setup


For excitation two waveguide ports are specified at the end of the strip line, excited with a Gaussian pulse to provide a broadband calculation in the frequency range from 0 to 10 GHz.


Post Processing


The requested S-parameters are automatically derived from the time signals at the two ports and are listed in the navigation tree in the folder 1D Results. Regarding the absolute value of the scattering parameters the occurring resonances of the structure are visible.

Furthermore the calculated port modes of the given waveguide ports can be examined in the folder 2D/3D Results.

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