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Antenna Placement on a Box

Integral Equation Solver Examples



General Description


In this example the input impedance of a monopole antenna on a conducting box is calculated.


Structure Generation


A monopole antenna with a length of 6 cm is mounted on a cubic box with a side length of 10 cm. The box is placed on an infinite ground plane modelled by an electric boundary condition.


Solver Setup


A discrete face port is defined as excitation. By defining a parameter sweep the position of the monopole is changed  from the center of the box towards the edge and the corner of the box respectively. In the special solver parameters the option Treat electric boundary condition as infinite ground plane (ZMin) is enabled. For a fast broadband S-Parameter calculation the option Use broadband frequency sweep is enabled.


Post Processing


The admittance for the frequency range of 1-2 GHz is calculated via template based postprocessing





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