Coaxial Connector

Coupled Simulation Examples




General Description


This example shows the S-parameter calculation and thermal co-simulation of a coaxial connector. It consists of inner and outer conducting cylinders of different materials with electric and thermal conductivities. The High frequency time-domain- and the stationary  thermal solvers are used for the calculations.


Structure Generation


The structure is constructed by only using primitive shapes such as cylinders. For a detailed sketch of the geometry see the figure below. Different materials are defined and applied which need to exhibit thermal conductivities as well as electric losses.


Solver Setup


For the excitation of the transient simulation two waveguide ports are used at the ends of the structure. Further, field monitors are defined at 7.5 GHz for the following thermal analysis.

After the transient analysis, a result template automatically starts the stationary thermal solver. The fields of the excitation of port 1 are used as source fields.


Post Processing


The S-parameters and the time signals can be accessed through the "1D Result" folder in the navigation tree.

Under the "2D/3D Results" folder in the navigation tree, the 3D-results of the E-Field and H-Field can be viewed and analyzed. After the thermal co-simulation, the temperature distribution and thermal volume losses are also displayed in this folder.






Thermal Volume Losses