Special Magnetostatic Solver Settings

Simulation: SolverStart SimulationSpecials

In this dialog box special settings for the magnetostatic solver can be defined.

Please note that in a magnetostatic simulation, PEC material is considered like an internal electric boundary, i.e., there are only tangential components of the H-Field at the PEC surfaces. This behaviour can be changed for particle tracking simulations (in combination with hexahedral meshes).


Maximum iterations

The number of iterations performed by the linear solver is automatically limited by a number depending on the desired solver accuracy. If you would like to prescribe a fixed upper limit for number of linear iterations, deactivate the "Automatic" checkbox and enter a positive number in the edit field.

Relax divergence check

If current sources are defined, the magnetostatic solver requires them to form closed current loops or that they end at perfect electric conductors (PEC) or electric boundary conditions. The same condition has to be fulfilled if conductive domains are defined and a stationary current field is used as source for the magnetostatic solver. (This can be enabled in the Magnetostatic Solver Dialog.)

Otherwise the problem is not solvable by the magnetostatic solver, since Ampere's Law is violated. If such a situation is detected by the solver, an error will be printed saying that the model is not divergence-free or that currents are appearing or disappearing within the calculation domain. The solver will abort in this case.

This detection method is called divergence check. A divergence check might fail even for valid model setups, if the source field could not be computed with sufficient accuracy. Typical reasons are low mesh quality, high ratios (jumps) in material coefficients or insufficient accuracy settings. In particular, when a stationary current field is used as source for the magnetostatic solver, it is recommended to use a high accuracy for the linear solver. Furthermore, you can consider to refine the mesh or to relax high ratios of the material coefficients by replacing materials with very high electric conductivities by PEC material or materials with very low conductivities by normal material.

If you do not want the solver to abort in case of a detected divergence error, you should activate this checkbox. Mind that this might lead to convergence problems or inaccurate results. Please check your results carefully in this case.

Remark: The divergence check will be performed anyway. But if this checkbox is activated, only a warning will be printed informing you about potential problems.

Consider PEC as Normal

If this checkbox is enabled, PEC material is considered like normal material with a permeability ยต which can be defined in the material properties of the PEC material.
This option is default only when a Particle Tracking or PIC template is used; otherwise this checkbox is disabled by default.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Magnetostatic Solver Dialog