Potential Set Definitions

Simulation: Sources and Loads Waveguide Port Define Pins...

This dialog box contains a list in which all potential set items are displayed. A potential set consists of one or more items and defines a potential pattern at a waveguide port. This pattern determines the corresponding divergence distribution of the electric mode field at the port.

Every item of the list is either specified as positive or negative and can be deleted or edited by selecting it and activating the add or edit button.


Opens the Define Potential Set Item dialog for entering a new current set.


Opens the Define Potential Set Item dialog, in order to edit the selected item.


Deletes the selected potential set item.


Deletes all previously defined potential set items.


Closes the dialog box and returns to the Waveguide Port dialog. If any pins are defined, the according check box in the Ports dialog will be checked to automatically activate this feature.


Shows this help text.

See also

Multipin Port Overview, Waveguide Port, Define Potential Set Item