Installation of the Cadence® Plug-in

CST STUDIO SUITE comes with a plug-in for Cadence® which allows to export and setup CST STUDIO SUITE simulations from within Cadence® directly.

Preliminairy steps:

If CST STUDIO SUITE is not installed on the same machine as the Cadence® software, then the CST_Link folder in the CST STUDIO SUITE installation needs to be copied to the Cadence® HOME directory. To determine the Cadence® HOME directory, start Cadence® and locate the variable HOME under "ToolsUtilitiesEnv Variables...". If CST STUDIO SUITE is installed on the same machine as the Cadence® software, then no files need to be copied.



Start Cadence®, and select the "FileScript" option from the main menu. A dialog box similar to the one below should pop up (appearences may change depending on the Cadence® software version):



Now browse for the file "install.scr" which is contained within the CST_Link folder (either directly in the CST STUDIO SUITE installation directory if available or in the locally copied version). Clicking the Replay button will launch an installation guide to guide you through the rest of the installation procedure. Once the installation is complete, the "CST_Link" menu item should appear in Cadence®, next to the "Help" menu item.


The installation program will copy the currently-used menu configuration files into the CST_Link_HOME folder (see "Tools Utilities Env Variables...") and will add the plug-in specific menu settings to these files. Furthermore, customized initialization files (.ilinit) will be copied to the pcbenv folder in your HOME directory.



As of CST STUDIO SUITE 2012, the system wide environment variables "CST_Link_HOME" and "CST_STUDIO_SUITE2011_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY" no longer need to be set in the system settings. If these variables exist, they will be ignored (and may be removed).


Uninstalling the plug-in:

The plug-in can be uninstalled by deleting the files in "CST_Link_HOME", and by removing the CST plug-in related lines in the .ilinit files inside the pcbenv folder.