Import Mentor Graphics® PADS® ASCII Files

Modeling: Import/Export2D/EDA FilesMentor Graphics PADS

This option enables the import of PCB layouts (or selected parts thereof) created with the Mentor Graphics® PADS® software.

Creating the ASCII Export in PADS®

As a prerequisite for the export, please make sure than the required 'flood' and 'hatch' operations have been carried out in PADS, which ensures that the so-called copper-pour areas have been filled (ToolsPour Manager). For help on how to do this, please consult the PADS documentation. In order to ensure that the copper-pour data is exported to the ASCII file, please go to  ToolsPour ManagerSetupSplit/Mixed and activate the option Save to PCB fileAll Plane data.

To create the ASCII export, choose FileExportASCII and specify a filename (*.asc). Pressing "OK", another dialog box appears where all given export features have to be selected (simply press "Select All"). Under "Units", choose the "Current" output length unit.

After accepting the setting, the ASCII output is created.

See also

The EDA Import Overview

Importing and Exporting Models