Working Plane Properties

View: VisibilityWorking PlaneWorking Plane Properties

In this dialog box you may specify the size and raster of the working plane. The visibility of this plane may be changed by choosing the Draw Working Plane option in the View: OptionsView Options &endash; General dialog.

The working plane is especially important for interactive shape generations where all coordinate input from the mouse pointer will be projected onto this drawing plane. You may not draw a shape which is outside the current working plane. However, during your shape construction the working plane size will be updated automatically to be large enough to enclose all your objects.

Please note that the working plane is only enlarged and does not shrink during the construction process. In order to fit the working plane best to the current model size you may choose View: VisibilityWorking PlaneFit Working Plane.


Specify a valid expression for the working plane size. The working plane will extend by this amount in both transversal coordinate directions.

Raster frame


Press this button to apply the specified working plane settings. The working plane will be updated immediately in the main plot window. The current Raster Width setting of the working plane will always be shown in the status bar when the working plane is visible.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Coordinate Systems.