Loft Edges

Modeling: Tools Shape Tools Healing Tools Model Healing Loft Edges

In this dialog box you may create a face by lofting two edges. You have to select two edges first.

Start Edge/End Edge

No constraint: Creates a connecting face without any restriction.

Tangent to face: Creates a face which is tangential to the face belonging to the selected edge.

Perpendicular to face: Creates a face which is normal to the face belonging to the selected edge.

Strength of constraint: This slider defines the strength of constraint considering the selected face orientation described above.

Invert: Creates a face with an inverse starting direction.

Note: The face is only non-ambiguous in case of a dangling edge (an edge belonging to only one face).


Press this button to finally create the loft.


Press this button to create a preview image of the loft. This option is very useful to the check the settings before you actually create the loft.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Add Tangent Curve