Enter Point

Modeling: Shapes... [TAB or SHIFT+TAB]

This dialog box lets you enter a value for a point in the working plane. You may either specify it in a Cartesian or a polar coordinate system. Also, if there was a point that you have had to define before you got into this dialog box, you may specify the coordinates relative to that point.

The dialog entries take over the coordinates at the cursor position on the working plane when the TAB key was pressed. However, if the SHIFT+TAB key was pressed the coordinates are always set to zero.


Cartesian / Polar: (Not available for all modes) You may choose which coordinate system you want to use to specify the point. See also the example below.

X / Y (U / V) and Radius / Angle: Depending of what mode you have chosen, these two text fields will be called either X/Y (U/V) or Radius/Angle. You may enter the values for these two coordinates here.

Relative (Not available for all modes)

This option is active only, if you had to have to specify another point previously. Then you may decide whether you want to give the coordinates of this point relative to the previous one or not.


Accepts the input and closes the window.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


Cartesian coordinates:



Polar coordinates:


This examples shows two steps in the creation of a brick. Imagine you got into this dialog box in order to specify the second point. The first point shall have the coordinates (1,1), the second one (2,2) in Cartesian coordinates.


Now you have got four possibilities to specify the values of the second point:

  • In Cartesian coordinates with absolute values:
    x = 2, y = 2

  • In Cartesian coordinates with relative values to the first point:
    x = 1, y = 1

  • In polar coordinates with absolute values:
    Radius = 2.828, Angle = 45

  • In polar coordinates with relative values:
    Radius = 1.414, Angle = 45

See also

Shape creation overview