Simple path curves
Select here the curve on which the field should be evaluated. Note that only curves containing one path are listed in this box.
Option frame
Component: Select here the field component you want to analyze. This choice does not affect the visualized field in the main plot window.
Tangential: The field component tangential to the curve path.
X, Y, Z, Abs: The x-, y- or z-component or the absolute value of the field.
Hide fields: Hides or unhides the fields in the main view.
Fit curve to grid for plotting: Activate this check button to see the grid representation of the curve. In this case the evaluation for the marker and the 1D plot is performed along the corresponding grid lines.
Fit curve to grid for integration: Activate this check button to use the grid representation of the curve for the field integration.
Marker frame
A special marker visualized by a red arrow indicates the current position on the selected curve. Move this marker along the curve by use of the arrow keys (left/right or up/down) or with help of the Position input field.
Pos.: Change here the current position of the marker on the selected curve.
Output: Select here the evaluation output, choosing between real and imaginary part (Re/Im) or amplitude and phase (Am/Ph) representation.
Show marker coordinates: If this button is checked the global maker coordinates are additionally displayed in the main window.
Make 1D Plot
Press this button to save the evaluation result of the currently chosen field component as a 1D result curve in the 1D Result folder. This is performed for the real and imaginary part as well as for the amplitude and phase. |
Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.
Shows this help text.
Main View Info
In the upper left corner of the main view some information about the selected curve, the chosen field settings and finally the evaluation results are displayed.
Curve name: The name of the currently selected curve.
Curve length: The length of the currently selected curve in global coordinates.
Component: The field component chosen in the Component drop down list.
Integral Re/Im: Real and imaginary part of the integrated field component along the total curve path.
Marker position: The position of the marker on the selected curve referred to the given curve length.
Pos. (X,Y,Z): The position of the marker in global coordinates. Displayed only if the Show marker coordinates button is checked.
Tan. (X,Y,Z): The direction vector of the marker tangential to the current curve. Displayed only if the Show marker coordinates button is checked.
Marker field Re/Im: Real and imaginary part of the evaluated field component on the selected curve at the current position of the marker.
See also
1D Result View, 2D/3D Results, Curve Creation, Evaluate Field on Face