3D Scalar Plot Special Settings

2D/3D Plot: Properties Specials

Scaling frame

Scale components to vector maximum: Check this if you want all components (x/y/z) scaled to the vector maximum. Thus you can compare different components. If not checked, the components are scaled to their own maximum.

Clamp to range: Check this if you want to scale your plot to a range defined below in the Min / Max input fields. This is useful to compare plots with different maximum values. Values outside the range are clamped (plotted as equal) to the maximum / minimum.

Please note: Scaling and logscale is disabled if clamp to range is active.

Anchor point: Defines a suitable anchor point for a logarithmic color ramp according to different strategies. Select "custom" to set a value manually if the relevant range of interest can not be determined automatically (e.g. potential or temperature plots).

Anchor value: Current value of the active anchor point.

Plot quality slider

Plot data is represented by triangles. This slider enables you to influence the number of triangles used for your plot. A fine plot quality will result in a longer plot generation time and thus also in slower movies.

Show surface mesh

Visualizes the triangular mesh of a 3D surface plot.

Note: This option is only available with tetrahedral meshes.


Takes the current settings and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

2D/3D Plot Overview, 3D Scalar Plot