VBA Macro Layout

The macro language is used for the automation of common tasks. In general, two kinds of tasks need to be distinguished: Structure modeling tasks and Control tasks. Each macro may be named individually using a submenu structure (syntax: <submenu / name>) and is either locally or globally available.

Structure Modeling Operations

These operations are used to modify the structure and need to be stored in the history list. Usually these macros are defined to extend the build in primitives by some often-used structure elements.

The most convenient way to produce such a structure macro is to apply the following procedure:

  1. Define the new structure as usual using the solid modeling operations.

  2. Open the History List, select the corresponding operations from the list and press the Macro button. In the next dialog box, you may assign a name to the macro and decide whether the macro will be locally or globally available.

  3. You may now edit the macro in the integrated development environment by usage of the Edit macros dialog box.

  4. Finally, you may execute the macro from Home: MacrosMacros. The current contents of the macro will then be stored in the History List.

Control Operations

The most important difference between the structure macros (see above) and the control macros is that the control macros are not stored in the History List when they are executed.

The control macros are typically used for automatic calculation sequences.

You may define control macros by choosing Home: MacrosMacrosMake VBA Macro. In the following dialog box, you may specify whether the resulting macro shall be locally or globally available.

The control macros may be executed by selecting them from the Home: MacrosMacros. Please note, that these macros will not be stored in the History List.

Using the VBA Language to Define a Macro

Both the structure and the control macros are defined with the VBA language. The most flexible way to edit these macros is to select them from the Edit macros dialog box. Afterwards, the macros will be automatically loaded into the integrated development environment (IDE) that will appear just above the status bar.

The VBA language itself consists of the standard language elements and a few specific language extensions.