View Options - Shape Accuracy

  View: OptionsView OptionsShape Accuracy

Within this dialog box, you may adjust the triangulation of displayed shapes.

It is important to know that the modeler uses analytical descriptions of solids; for the display, however, they need to be triangulated within a given accuracy.


Two spheres displayed with low/high shape accuracy (without smooth shading).

Triangulation accuracy slider

Move this slider to adjust the shape accuracy for triangulation. This setting only changes the display information, but does not change any ”internal” description of a solid (Modeler, mesh module, solver, etc.);

Offset between solids slider

Move this slider to adjust distance between the triangulation of adjacent shapes. This setting only changes the display information, but does not changes any ”internal” description of a solid (Modeler, mesh module, solver, etc.);


Resets the shape accuracy to the default value.


Takes the current settings, refreshes the plot window and closes the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Takes the current settings and refreshes the plot window. Use this button to test different settings. The old settings will be restored if you leave the dialog box by pressing the Cancel button.


Shows this help text.

See also

View Options: General, Colors, Line Width, Specials, Illumination