Material Parameters: default - Mechanics

Modeling: MaterialsNew/EditNew MaterialMechanics

Edit Object Properties (navigation tree: Materials:material1PropertiesMechanics)

This is a dialog page of the Material Parameters dialog box.

This dialog offers the possibility to define mechanical properties of a material.

Mechanical properties are independent of the chosen problem type. Their values will be the same for all defined material sets.


This list allows to select if the material should be used with isotropic properties for the simulation. The following properties are available:

Young's modulus

This parameter defines the stiffness of an isotropic elastic material. It is normally measured in GPa, or kN/mm2. The typical values vary between 0.01 GPa (rubber) and over 1000 GPa (diamond). It is important to know the value of this material parameter very well, since it has a large influence on the accuracy of the solution.

Poisson's ratio

This parameter defines the scale of the transverse contraction of a longitudinally stretched body. This parameter can vary between -1 and 0.5, whereas most of the materials are characterized by a positive Poisson's ratio.

Thermal expansion coefficient

The expansion coefficient is the strain of a body, if its temperature changes by 1 K. This value is utilized to compute strain induced by an external temperature field.

Material density info

This field is for information purpose only.

See also

Material Parameters, Change Material, Modeler View, Add to Material Library, Temperature Dependent Young's Modulus