Thermal Stationary Solver Parameters

Simulation: SolverStart Simulation

In this dialog, parameters of the solver for stationary heat transfer problems can be specified.

Mesh type

In this drop down list, you can specify the meshing method to use for the simulation. Available options are hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes.


Select here the desired accuracy for the thermal solver.

Store result data in cache

Check this button if you want the solver results to be stored in the result data cache. The efficient usage of the result data cache is explained in the printed documentation "Advanced Topics".

Background temperature:

Enter the background temperature in this text field.

Adaptive mesh refinement frame

Adaptive mesh refinement

Check to activate the adaptive mesh refinement. This option is only available if tetrahedral mesh type has been selected. 


Opens the adaptive mesh refinement properties dialog.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Opens the Optimization dialog.

Par. Sweep&ldots;

Opens the Parameter Sweep dialog.


Opens the acceleration dialog box to control the high performance options of the simulation run (e.g. CPU multithreading or Distributed Computing).


Opens the Thermal Solver Special dialog box.

Simplify Model...

Opens the dialog to globally reduce the complexity of the model.


Stores the changes without closing the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Thermal Stationary Solver Overview, Thermal Solver Special