Curve Style

1D Plot: Plot PropertiesPropertiesCurve Style

In this dialog you can modify the style of the plotted curves. This includes line style, line thickness and color, as well as the different marker styles.

Curve selection frame

Apply changes to: In this list you can select the curves to which changes should be applied to. Multiple curves can be selected by holding down the CTRL - key while clicking on an entry.

Select All: This button selects all the shown curves.

Line style frame

Auto color: This radio button sets the color to the default color.

Auto grey: This radio button resets the color to the default color, but reduced to the grey scaled color.

User defined color: This radio button selects the current user defined color. If you want to change the color, press the '...'-button. This opens the color selection dialog.

Marker style frame

Auto: This radio button disables all marks unless the curve has less than 20 data points in the current view.

Additional marks: Select this radio button to add marks to the curve. For example, this might be helpful to distinguish curves that are lying very close to each other or have identical colors.

Marks only: Use this button to omit the lines between the marks and show only the marks at each discrete curve value.

No marks: This radio button disables all marks.


Applies the current settings to the selected curves and closes the dialog box.


Applies the current settings to the selected curves without closing the dialog box.


Resets the selected curves to default values.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


Please note that the features of this dialog are not available if the storage mode for 1D results is set to "ASCII". This setting can be found under File: OptionsPreferencesGeneral settings.

See also

, , 1D Plot Overview