Export DXF

Modeling: ExchangeImport/Export Export  2D Files DXF

This dialog box offers DXF file export. With this feature you can export data to CAD systems which provide the famous DXF file format from Autodesk Inc. as an import option.
The cross sections of all solids within the xy-plane (z=0) or &endash; if a WCS is active &endash; the uv-plane (w=0) will be stored in the DXF file.

Multilayer Export

Please note: If you want to export multiple layers, you can pick points (indicating the height of those layers) before exporting.


After leaving the dialog box all exported profiles are highlighted by a red line. Press RETURN to confirm the DXF export or ESC to cancel.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Importing and Exporting Models, Import DXF File