Enter Edge Numerically

Modeling: PicksPicksPick Edge from Coordinates

In this dialog box you may enter the coordinates of an straight edge which will then be treated just like an edge picked from the model. Usually you will use this edge as the axis for a rotation body.

Depending on the currently active coordinate system you will either specify the edge end point coordinates in global and local coordinates, respectively.


Specify valid expressions for the start point of the straight edge in 3D space. Please note that these entries only appear when the global coordinate system is currently active.


Specify valid expressions for the end point of the straight edge in 3D space. Please note that these entries only appear when the global coordinate system is currently active.


Specify valid expressions for the start point of the straight edge in 3D space. Please note that these entries only appear when a local coordinate system is currently active.


Specify valid expressions for the end point of the straight edge in 3D space. Please note that these entries only appear when a local coordinate system is currently active.


Press this button to store the edge. The edge will then appear in the List of Picked Edges dialog box.


Press this button to create a preview image of the edge.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

List of Picked Edges, Coordinate Systems Overview.