Table View

Here, you may view the contents of a result table. A table groups together a set of results for different parameter combinations. For each parameter set, the table may contain either a single data point or an x-y curve.

a) If the table contains a single data point for each parameter set, the displayed curve shows the variation of the result as a function of one parameter. All other parameters are set constant. You may select the varying parameter and the values of the other constant parameters in the table properties dialog box.

b) If the table contains full curves for each parameter set, the view will show a collection of curves where each curve belongs to a value of one varying parameter. The labels on the right hand side indicate the values of this parameter for the particular curves. All other parameters are set constant. You may select the varying parameter and the values of the other constant parameters in the table properties dialog box.


Additional information can be accessed by selecting Info from the context menu. The parameters that are constant for all result sets will be displayed as common parameters in the data set Information message box. The name and the range of the parameters, which have different values for different result sets, will be displayed as varying parameters.


It is possible to select single curves by double clicking on the graph or on the corresponding curve label on the right side of the plot. Pressing the CTRL key while double clicking on different graphs (or labels) enables the multi selection feature. Please note that if there is not enough room for all curve labels to be displayed, then the curve labels of curves that are not selected are preferred to be hidden. If some curve labels are not shown this is indicated by "...".

If one or more curves are selected then additional statistics for the parameters of the selected curves will be displayed in the data set Information message box.


The 1D plot context menu gives access to the plot features described in the 1D Plot Overview.


See also

Table Properties, 1D Plot Overview, Post Processing Views, Navigation Tree