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Thermal Transient Solver Accuracy

Simulation: SolverStart SimulationAccuracy

Start solution accuracy

Select the desired accuracy for the start solution of the transient problem.

This setting is equal to the accuracy of the stationary solver for the stationary solution.

Transient solver accuracy

Define the maximal tolerable error of the time integration scheme.


The time integrating scheme (T) computes a new solution (f) at :



where dt is the time-step between two solutions.

Besides the new solution an error estimation of the error o(dt) is computed as well:



If this estimated error is above the chosen accuracy limit, then the integration step is repeated with a reduced time-step.

As a consequence this accuracy setting has a great influence on the simulation time.


Note: This setting only applies if an adaptive time integration scheme was chosen.


Stores the current settings and closes the dialog box.


Resets all dialog parameters to their default settings.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also:

Thermal Transient Solver Parameters, Thermal Transient Solver Overview

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