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Special Multilayer Solver Parameters 

Simulation: Solver   Start Simulation   Multilayer Solver Specials

In this dialog the properties of the Multilayer Solver simulation can be specified. For most simulations the default settings should be used.


General frame

Deembedding: Activates the automatic deembedding of external ports as multipin ports.

Open BC (x, y): If this option is enabled the boundary conditions in x- and y-direction will be set to open. For electric boundary conditions in x- or y-direction a mesh will be created if the option is disabled.

Materials frame

Activate the check button Constant, dispersion and surf. imp. fit as in Time Domain to consider the fit procedure of the tangent delta settings in the Material Parameter Conductivity Dialog using a dispersive Debye model correspondent to the time domain. By deactivating this button, the constant fit option is realized as a constant tangent delta over the complete frequency range while a dispersive fit results in a linear interpolation between the defined loss angle values.

The setting affects also the treatment of ohmic sheet. With this button activated the ohmic sheet impedance will be computed accordingly to the same fitting scheme used for the time domain solver. Otherwise a constant (frequency independent) value of the impedance will be applied.

The setting also affects the treatment of dispersive materials if the model simplification is configured so that lossy materials are treated as lossfree.


Accepts the input and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Multilayer Solver Parameters, Which Solver to Use, Multilayer Solver Overview



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