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Asymptotic Solver Polarization

Simulation: Solver Start Simulation Incident field polarization settings (Add / Edit)

This dialog box allows you to add or edit a particular polarization definition for defining the orientation of the incident plane waves' field vectors.


The solver will create a full set of results for each of the polarization definitions. Due to an optimized treatment of multiple polarizations, the runtime will not increase linearly with the number of polarizations defined. The naming convention of the results will indicate for each result to which particular polarization it belongs to.



Specify the type of the polarization. You can choose one of the following options:



Specify a horizontally polarized plane wave which means that the electric field vector has a non-zero phi component only. The amplitude of the electric field vector can be given in the Amplitude field.


Specify a vertically polarized plane wave which means that the electric field vector has a non-zero theta component only. The amplitude of the electric field vector can be given in the Amplitude field.

Left hand circular polarized

Specify a left hand circular polarized plane wave. The amplitude of the electric field vector can be given in the Amplitude field.

Right hand circular polarized

Specify a right hand circular polarized plane wave. The amplitude of the electric field vector can be given in the Amplitude field.


Specify an arbitrarily polarized plane wave by defining its complex electric field vector components. Once this type is selected, the component entry fields become active.


Specify the amplitude of the electric field vector in V/m. This option is not available for Custom types.

Etheta Re, Etheta Im, Ephi Re, Ephi Im

Specify the components of the electric field vector in V/m. This option allows for arbitrary polarization definitions and is only available for Custom types.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text..

See also

Asymptotic Solver Overview, Asymptotic Solver Settings, Asymptotic Solver Parameters



HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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