Q-Factor Special Settings
2D/3D Field Post Processing Loss and Q Specials...
This dialog offers the possibility to define some special settings
concerning the loss and Q-factor calculation.
Boundaries for integration frame
Xmin, Xmax, Ymin,
Ymax, Zmin, Zmax: In the main Q-Factor
Calculation dialog, the background
material (if PEC) and the boundaries
(if PEC) are included in the loss calculation under 鈥?*Cond. Enclosure**鈥?
by defining a finite conductivity value for the perturbation method. In
any event, if some boundaries should not be considered for the loss calculation,
you can uncheck the corresponding boxes here.
Save 3D dielectric loss data for plot
Check this box if you want to plot the losses in
lossy dielectric material. Generated data will be put into the
under 2D/3D Results\Power Loss Dens.
This feature cannot be used to generate plots of the surface losses.
Takes the current settings and closes the dialog
Closes this dialog box without performing any further
Shows this help text.
See also
Q-Factor Calculation
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