Multilayer Solver Settings
Before the multilayer solver can be started,
several settings and definitions should be made. These settings are grouped
on the
to allow an easy and intuitive access.
Please refer also to the QuickStart
Guide which guides you interactively through these steps.
Units ![](../icons/mw_solver/setunits.png)
Background ![](../icons/mw_solver/backgroundmaterialproperties.png)
New / Edit ![](../icons/materials_quickstart_messagebox/dielectricmaterial.png)
Material Library ![](../icons/basic/materiallibrary.png)
Shapes ![](../icons/objects/brick.png)
Tools ![](../icons/objects/transform.png)
Curves ![](../icons/curve/createpolygon.png)
Picks ![](../icons/pick/smartpickmode.png)
Frequency ![](../icons/mw_solver/frequencyrange.png)
This frequency setting defines the maximum frequency range, which the
automatic mesh generator takes into account to generate an accurate mesh.
Boundaries ![](../icons/mw_solver/specifyboundaryconditions.png)
Electric and open boundaries
are supported by the multilayer solver. The conducting wall boundary condition
will be set to electric and all other unsupported boundary conditions
will be set to open.
Waveguide Ports ![](../icons/mw_solver/waveguideports.png)
Discrete Ports ![](../icons/mw_solver/discreteports.png)
Field Monitors
Farfield, E-field,
H-field, poweflow and surface current monitors are supported by the multilayer
Note: Several basic settings
can be made in advance by selecting an application specific poject
After these settings, select
Solver Start Simulation
Multilayer Solver ,
set your solver parameters and start the solver.
Multilayer Solver Overview,
Solver Parameters, Which
solver to use
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