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Import Zuken CR-5000 Board Designer ASCII Files

Modeling: Import/Export 2D/EDA FilesZuken CR-5000

PCB layouts created with Zuken CR-5000 Board Designer can readily be imported into CST DESIGN ENVIRONMENTTM  as a 3D model. The Zuken layout data are first extracted into ASCII database files, which are then read by the CST import module.

Creating the ASCII Database in the Zuken CR-5000 Software

The following ASCII database files have to be created using the Zuken software, before running the CST import:

  • PC Board ASCII file (.pcf)

  • Footprint ASCII file (.ftf)

These files are generated by the batch commands pcout, ftout, respectively. Please consult the Zuken documentation for further details. Make sure that the ASCII files carry the same base filename, e.g. mypcb.pcf and mypcb.ftf.



  • Auxiliary ASCII  file (.ruf), containing component data (R, L, C values), and layer thicknesses/materials. Please contact Zuken support about how to generate this file.

Limitations (in absence of .ruf file):

  • Layer thicknesses/materials have to be entered manually (data not contained in .pcf/.ftf files)

  • Component data (R,L,C values) must be entered manually once (data not contained in .pcf/.ftf files) or imported, e.g. from an excel sheet, see Importing component data.

See also

The EDA Import Overview

Importing and Exporting Models





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