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Voxel Material Description File

The material description file is an ASCII file that links a material number to a material name and its material properties. Lines beginning with two slashes (鈥?/鈥? can be used for remarks, they will be ignored by the interpreter.


Since version 2008 a new column for thermal conductivity is available. The definition of the color is optional.


Example for a material file:



### Version 2008 ###

// Frequency: 100 MHz



// Material name  Num   Eps      Mue     Kappa     Rho         K      Red   Green   Blue

//                                       [s/m]   [kg/m^3]    [W/mK]   0-255 (optional)

Mat_1              1  6.487770   1.0   0.022727    1030      0.624    234    216    179

Mat_2              2  6.073879   1.0   0.036292    1100      0.201

Mat_3              3 15.282458   1.0   0.064312    1850      0.410    240    240    240


See also

Voxel Data Info File, Import Voxel Data, Voxel Data Properties,


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