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Export IGES File

Modeling: ExchangeImport/Export Export  3D Files IGES

This dialog box offers IGES file export for parts of your model. IGES is a very common CAD format which is not used by the ACIS modeler internally. In case you are working with a CAD program supporting this data format you need to transfer data via the IGES interface (import/export IGES).

Before activating this dialog box you need to select the objects one at a time to export via double click or within the project tree. If the structure to export consists of several components, it is advisable before starting the export to adequately combine the single components with the help of boolean operations or the  Modeling: Tools Shape Tools Merge Materials of Component option.

Include topology information (MSBO)

This option controls whether ACIS body entities are written out as Manifold Solid B-rep Objects (MSBOs) that contain topology (connectivity) information, or simply as trimmed faces without any topology information. When this option is on, ACIS body entities are written out as MSBOs.

Write analytic surfaces if possible

This option controls whether or not trimmed surfaces are written as IGES NURBS. Some IGES translators support only IGES NURBS surfaces. Turning this option off ensures that all the output trimmed surfaces are written out as IGES NURBS surfaces . With this option enabled the analytic surface is written instead.

Write 2D parametric information

This option specifies the trimming curves preference in the output IGES file. Some systems prefer 2D parametric curves for the trimming curves. Using this option ensures that the 2D parametric curves are written out and the trimming curve preference is set to 2D data. In such a case, IGES converts all the surfaces to NURBS and outputs them as IGES NURBS surfaces.


Exports your model to a IGES file and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Importing and Exporting Models


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