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Functions for Curve and Face Creation

The following mathematical functions are available:


Operators: plus, minus, multiply and divide

+ - * /


Power: Raise the preceding expression to the power of the following one



Square root



Log base 10, log base a: Where "a" is a numeric value

log(t) log(t, a)


Power e: Raises e to the given power



Natural log



Value Pi: 3.1415926545898



Trigonometric functions: cosine, sine, tangent, secant, cosecant, cotangent

cos(t) sin(t) tan (t)

sec(t) csc(t) cot(t)

Hyperbolic functions

cosh(t) sinh(t) tanh(t)

sech(t) csch(t) coth(t)

Arc trigonometric functions

arccos(t) arcsin(t) arctan(t) arcsec(t) arccsc(t) arccot(t)


Arc hyperbolic functions

arccosh(t) arcsinh(t) arctanh(t) arcsech(t) arccsch(t) arccoth(t)


These functions can be combined in any way to form more complex mathematical expressions.


When using trigonometric functions, it is better and easier to parameterize the curve between rational values and use pi in the expression than to parameterize say between 0 and 2 pi.


Care should be taken when using functions that are undefined or infinite at certain values, for example, tan (pi/2).


A parabolic curve:

X: t

Y: t^2 - 4

Z: 0

Range: -3 to 3


A hyperbolic paraboloid (saddle surface):

X: u

Y: v

Z: 0.25 * (u^2 - v^2)

u range: -4 to 4

v range: -4 to 4

See also

Create an Analytical Curve, Create an Analytical Face

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