Local Mesh Property (Surface)
Mesh Control Local Properties
Groups:Mesh Groups:meshgroup1 Local Mesh Properties)
Components:solid1 Local Mesh Properties)
This dialog allows you to control the mesh properties
of one or more selected objects. In case of multiple selected objects
(holding down the CTRL key while selecting
a shape), the check boxes are in an undefined state such that they
are neither checked nor unchecked.
for simulation: Choose whether or not the selected shape should
be considered by the calculation.
for bounding box: Choose whether or not the selected shape should
be considered for the bounding box calculation.
Both Consider
for simulation and Consider for
bounding box settings are applied at the object level, and are
not part of mesh group settings.
Mesh group
Provide a mesh group name. Mesh groups are used
to group objects (i.e. Solids and Wires) together. They hold a set of
local mesh properties and these settings are inherited by the objects
which are part of the mesh group. If an object is removed from the mesh
group, its local mesh properties are reset to default.
Maximum mesh step width settings
The prescribed width is an absolute value. The
automatic mesh generator will not exceed this step width for this structure
element. If a zero value is specified (default), it will
be ignored and the mesh size will be controlled by the global setting,
see Surface
Mesh Properties. In the navigation tree, an
object with a nonzero mesh step width will be signalled by the
icon, if the mesh
view is active.
multilayer settings
Consider for
local multilayer: Enable this option to allow the selected shape
to be part of a local multilayer simulation (See also How
to create a local multilayer setup).
This option is a valid setting for thin panel material sheets which
define a local multilayer layer stackup or PEC like sheets which model
an antenna structure.
The thin panel sheet needs
to have a local coordinate system attached to it:
Tools Shape Tools Local Solid Coordinates Attach Active WCS. This is necessary to identify
the direction of the layer stackup. The thin panel sheet won't get meshed.
Only the PEC like structure will be meshed. The layered media will be
considered automatically by using the multilayer greens function.
All shapes with the same reference belong to the same local multilayer
setup. You may choose a name or accept the default. Each shape can only
be part of one single local multilayer but it is possible to define several
local multilayer setups.
Automatic/ Offset: This setting is valid if the thin panel
shape which defines the local multilayer stackup is a curved shape. In
this case you can define an offset for the antenna structure. This is
helpful in case you want to ensure the antenna structure is considered
to be in a certain distance to the curved thin panel shape. If left to
Automatic the
offset will be determined automatically.
Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
Closes this dialog box without performing any
further action.
Shows this help text.
See also
Mesh Properties, Mesh
View (Surface), Mesh
Generation Overview (Surface)
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