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Special Mesh Properties - Refinement

Home: MeshGlobal PropertiesSpecialsRefinement

Refine at PEC / lossy metal edges by factor

This option increases the spatial sampling at PEC or lossy metal edges. At these edges additional density points are added that force the automatic mesh generator to increase the mesh density at those points by the given factor.

This setting is very useful because at metal edges, singularities occur in the electromagnetic fields. This means that the fields vary significantly near such edges and must be sampled more frequently than elsewhere.

The behavior of the generator is slightly different if the fixpoints are located on a straight or an elliptical line. For straight lines, the mesh lines of the two perpendicular coordinate directions are influenced. For elliptical lines, this is the case only for the normal direction of the area that is defined by the edge.

Consider PEC / lossy metal edges along coordinate axes only

Use this option to reduce the mesh refinement along a curved structure.


Mesh refinement inside dielectric / permeable materials

  • None: No mesh material based mesh refinement

  • Wavelength refinement: Dielectric and permeable materials influence the wavelength of the electromagnetic fields. With this setting, the mesh density for the affected structures will be adjusted according to this effect.

  • Low frequency refinement: The mesh density is set depending on the material parameters. Higher permittivity or permeability leads to moderately finer meshes. Prefer this option in case that high dielectric / permeable materials are involved if you want to avoid an unnecessarily fine mesh.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Accepts the changes without closing the dialog.


Shows this help text.

See also

Mesh View, Mesh Properties, Special Mesh Properties

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