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Complex Table Settings

Results Table Properties [Complex...]

Results Table Properties [Smith Chart...]

In this dialog box, you may select multiple tables, that will be visualized together as a complex plot.

Currently selected table

Here the Name of the currently selected table is shown. You can now choose a Complex type for this curve, selecting between Real, Imag, Mag lin, Mag 10dB, Mag 20dB or Phase.

Complex partner table

Corresponding to the determined curve in the upper frame, you may now specify the Name of the complex partner curve from the drop-down list. Again, you must select the Complex type of the curve as Real, Imag, Mag lin, Mag 10dB, Mag 20dB or Phase. Please note  that the settings of the two curves and especially of the two complex types should correspond to each other.

Reference impedance table

This row only has to be specified if you entered the Complex Table Settings dialog by pressing Smith Chart.... If you entered by pressing Complex..., it may be left open.

Corresponding to the determined curves in the upper frame, you may now specify the Name of the reference impedance table for the desired Smith Chart Plot. You also have to specify if the impedance is variable or constant

 As an example how to setup the dialog box for a Smith Chart, see the setting below.


Accepts the changes, updates the plots and closes the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also:

Table Properties

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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