The layout of the dialog depends on whether constant or adaptive time steps were selected in the LF Time Domain Solver dialog.
In case of adaptive time steps, the following settings can be tuned:
Minimum/Maximum step width
In order to prevent the time step width from becoming arbitrarily small or inappropriately large, you can limit it by entering minimum and maximum values.
Initial step width
With the initial step width parameter you can suggest a first time step with to be used by the solver. However, if certain error criteria are not satisfied, the solver reduces this step width.
Absolute error tolerance
This user specified tolerance for the local error allows to decide whether the current integration step is accepted or whether a new attempt with a smaller step size is necessary.
In case of constant time steps, you can specify either a constant step width or a predefined number of samples:
Step width
The time step width entered here will be used during the entire simulation process.
Number of samples
The number specified here defines the total number of time steps to be performed.
Note that the step width and the number of samples are correlated with the simulation duration specified in the LF Time Domain Solver dialog.
Stores the current settings and closes the dialog box.
Resets all dialog parameters to their default settings.
Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.
Shows this help text.