LF Frequency Domain Solver Specials

Simulation: SolverStart SimulationSpecials

Solver type

Drop down list to specify the solver type used to solve linear systems of equations. Available options are

Auto: The solver type is automatically set depending on the problem size (recommended)

Iterative: An iterative solver is used.

Direct: A direct solver is used.

Note: In combination with the magnetoquasistatic solver equation an iterative solver is always used and it is not possible or necessary to change this.


Drop down list to specify the preconditioner used to solve linear systems of equations. Available options are

Auto: The preconditioner type is chosen automatically. Currently the Low Memory type will be used by default, but this might change with future versions.

Accelerated: A preconditioner which is suited well for structures with high mesh- and material-ratios. This method is more memory consuming, but might converge in situations where the Low Memory type does not converge.

Low Memory: This preconditioner type is very memory efficient and converges if mesh- and material- ratios are not very high.

Solver order

This option allows to specify whether the electrostatic solver with tetrahedral mesh uses first- or second-order accuracy. Second-order is the default due to its higher accuracy. However, if the structure is geometrically complex and therefore comes along with huge memory requirements, first-order is an alternative.

Low Frequency Stabilization

This settings is available for the Magnetoquasistatic equation type only. If activated a special reduction scheme is used, which reduces the number of unknowns and leads to a better convergence of the solving process. Since the linear solver is very memory consuming in conjunction with this option, it is advisable to use it only for small- and medium-sized problems (in terms of degrees of freedom).

Maximum iterations

The number of iterations performed by the linear solver is automatically limited by a number depending on the desired solver accuracy. If you would like to prescribe a fixed upper limit for number of linear iterations, deactivate the "Automatic" check box and enter a positive number in the edit field.

PECs without sources (only for Electroquasistatics)

Grounded: All PEC domains to which no source is assigned and electric boundary conditions are considered like fixed potentials with value 0. (default)

Floating: All PEC domains to which no source is assigned and electric boundary conditions are considered like floating potentials.

This feature is available only for the electroquasistatic solver.


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