Post Processing Overview

The Post Processing enables the visualization of all calculated results as well as the computation of several secondary results, for instance inductance, capacitance or forces.

1D Plot Overview

In this folder all one-dimensional results calculated so far are listed, for example fields along curves, non linear materials, etc. There are several subfolders that contain the different types. If you select one of these folders or one of its contents, the corresponding result will be plotted in the main plot window.

2D/3D Plot Overview

Here the stored values of all 3D results are listed.  Every field folder holds items for each vector component and its absolute value.

Static Force Calculation

Forces and torque on solids, coils and current paths can be calculated as a post processing step.

Evaluate Field on Curve

Calculates the field on an arbitrary curve.

Evaluate Field on Face

Calculates the field on an arbitrary face.

Table View

Shows the results obtained from a parameter sweep calculation.

Parameter View

Displays the combination of all parameters together with the available results.