Preloaded Result Templates

The installation of CST STUDIO SUITE contains a selection of preloaded Result Templates, which are useful to calculate all kind of post processing data and setup goal functions for the optimizer.

Note: All 1D Templates starting with a "-" sign, produce intermediate results (e.g. 3D or other data, not directly stored in tables).

To learn more about using template based processing, the Template Based Post Processing Overview guides you along a simple example.

General 1D

In this category several templates are available to load, modify, convert data.

General / Load 1D Data File (project and external)
This template can be used to load project internal 1D files such as time signals or probe results as well as external (measurement or other project) curves into the result templates.

General / 1D Result from 1D Result (Rescale xy, FFT, Derivation,
This template creates a new 1D result based on an existing one. (e.g. useful to rescale x or y or also apply analytical functions for x and or y).

General / 0D Value from 1D Result
The template is useful to extract a 0D number from an existing 1D result, such as e.g. integral, mean, min or max value.

General / Mix Template Results
This template creates a new 1D result by combing several existing 1D results using an analytic equation.

Time Signals

2D and 3D Field Results

2D and 3D Field Results / Evaluate Field on Curve
This template extracts field data along predefined curves or calculates the integral along the curve.

2D and 3D Field Results / Evaluate Field on Face
This template calculates the integral along a predefined face.

2D and 3D Field Results / Evaluate Field in arbitrary Coordinates
This template extracts and plots field data along arbitrary coordinates (xyz, uvw, rfz, rtf). In addition this template can be used for reading out a field value in a certain point (0D), for integration along a line (1D), across a face (2D) or a volume (3D). Furthermore, it can be applied to ASCII export field values within user specified solids.

2D and 3D Field Results / - Mix 3D fields
This template offers a calculator for 3D Fields (add, subtract, cross product, ...)

Special 0D Results

0D / Get Double Result Entry
The template can be used to access the Result Database for the static solvers by manually entering the database key.

0D / Get Double Result Value
The template can be used to access the Result Database for the static solvers by selecting from a dropdown menu of available database keys.

0D / LF - Get Double Result Entry
The template can be used to access the Result Database for the LF frequency domain solver by manually entering the database key.

0D / LF - Get Double Result Value
The template can be used to access the Result Database for the LF frequency domain solver by selecting from a dropdownmenu of available database keys.

0D / LF - Get Coil Voltage
Access the coil voltage after a LF simulation.

0D / LF - Get Voltage Source Impedance

    Access the voltage source impedance after a LF simulation.

See also

Template Based Post Processing Overview, File / Import Result Templates,  Preloaded Macros Overview