Curve Selection

1D Plot: Plot PropertiesPropertiesSelect Curves

This dialog box enables you to specify which curves from a navigation tree folder will be shown in the main plot window when the folder is selected. All invisible curves will be marked with a hollow icon in the navigation tree.

This dialog box contains two lists. Each curve contained in the selected navigation tree folder will be shown in either one of these lists. Only the curves in the displayed curves list will be shown in the plot window.

Hidden curves

This list shows all curves which will be excluded from the 1D plot when the corresponding navigation tree folder is selected.

Displayed curves

This list shows all curves which will be visible at the same time in the 1D plot when the corresponding navigation tree folder is selected.


Move the curves selected in the hidden curves list into the displayed curves list. Please note that it is possible to select more than one curve at the same time. Double-clicking on a single list item in the hidden curves list does also move this item into the displayed curves list.


Move the curves selected in the displayed curves list into the hidden curves list. Please note that it is possible to select more than one curve at the same time. Double-clicking on a single list item in the displayed curves list does also move this item into the hidden curves list.


Move all curves into the displayed curves list.


Move all curves into the hidden curves list.


Accepts the changes and updates the plots.


Accepts the changes, updates the plots and closes the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

1D Plot Overview