Curve Properties

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This dialog box enables to configure user added 1D result data.


The title text of the 1D result


The label of the x axis.


The label of the y axis.

Automatic deletion

Select when the results should be automatically  deleted (tree item and imported ASCII file)

Delete never: The imported data will not be deleted automatically.

Delete at any structure change: The imported data is deleted when the structure is changed.

Delete at true structure change (not only parameter change): The imported data is deleted when the structure is changed, but not due to a parameter change.

Delete at solver start: The imported data is deleted, if solver deletes all previous calculated result data.

Data Format

This option is available for real-valued cartesian curves. If the data format needs to be modified, it may be changed to "Real", "Imaginary", "Magnitude", "Magnitude dB" or "Phase". Changing the data format is useful when the curve should be shown together with a complex curve using the plot toolbar.

Apply to all curves

This option is only available for result folders. If this option is activated, changes made in the dialog will also be applied to every curve in the folder.


Stores the curve's properties.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

1D Plot Overview, 1D Result View, Import Curve From ASCII File, Scale Curve(s)