Face Creation

The face creation is strongly related to the shape generation. A face is a surface element in the three-dimensional space. Because the face is not assigned to a material, it has no physical properties and thus does not influence the simulation by itself.

The main purpose of the face generation is to provide flexible tools for the creation of more complex three-dimensional solid shape and it can be used to evaluate fields on its surface. The following page will give you a basic overview of the available tools. Please refer to the specific manual pages for details.


Each face item is shown in the Faces folder in the navigation tree. New faces can be generated by following creation methods.

Basic face creation

The following table shows the toolbar items and the menu commands to create a face item.

Modeling: ShapesFaces and AperturesConstruction Faces Cover Curve to Face


Modeling: ShapesFaces and AperturesConstruction Faces Extrude Curve to Face


Modeling: ShapesFaces and AperturesConstruction Faces Create Face from Picked Faces


To generate such a primitive you will first need to select the appropriate menu or toolbar item. This will lead you to an interactive face item generation mode where you can define the face items’ parameters by using the mouse (while in this mode, press F1 for more information).

After you have finished all necessary steps (or pressed the ESC key), a face item parameter dialog box will open showing a summary of all parameters for this  item.

Within this dialog box, you may change the parameters and finally create the face item.

After the face item has been created it will appear in the navigation tree under its face folder.

See also

Modeler View, Cover Curve to Face, Extrude Curve to Face, Create Face from Picked Faces