Add Curve

Navigation Tree: Results View <User defined Result folder name> Add Curve

Within this dialog box you can specify data to add to the selected result folder.

Result root path

Specify the location of an object in the navigation tree, managing the results. It may, for example, be a task or a single block.

Result type

Specify a result container, comprising items of the same result type. That may, for example, be S-Parameters or time domain voltages.


Specify the specific result inside the selected container.


Specify the label that will be associated with the selected data inside the result folder.

Update Automatically

If enabled, a reference to the original curve will be created.  


Performs your settings and leaves the dialog box. The specified data is added to the result folder.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

User-Defined Result Plot