Block Properties - Solver

Navigation Tree: Blocks<Block Name>PropertiesSolver

This dialog box contains solver specific settings for a block. Depending on the block, not all of the options below may be available.

Create S-parameter results

Shows the S-parameter results for the selected block in the navigation tree. This setting will only be considered in S-Parameter simulations when the "Create S-parameter results" option is selected.

Deembed block

De-embedding a block means to consider its inverse physical behavior. Use this option if you want to remove the influence of this block from the attached one.

Use differential ports

This control enables the use of differential ports. Enable this feature if the connected components of at least one port do not refer to the ideal ground.


Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Performs your settings without leaving the dialog box.


Shows this help text.

See also

Block Overview