《Library Manager for DxDesigner to Expedition PCB Flow》培训教程是Mentor Graphics 公司关于Mentor DxDesigner到Expedition PCB设计流程中库管理的详细培训教材,经典权威。详细讲授了 Mentor DxDesigner 到 Mentor Expedition 的PCB设计流程,Mentor DxDesigner 和 Mentor WG 设计流程中中心库的建立和管理,以及原理图元件和PCB封装的创建。本教程是英文版,500页左右,共分16个Module,每个Module都分使用介绍和实验练习两部分,简单易学。具体内容如下: Module 1: Central Library Overview Describe a Central Library Structure, and Central Library Definition Module 2: Library Manager Create central library partitions, explain how to use Describe central library Module 3: Symbol Editor —— DxDesigner How to use symbol, how to create a new symbol Module 4: Symbol Wizard Use the DxDesigner symbol wizard to Create symbol Module 5: Symbol Editor Advanced Topic Add an array of pins, Create DeMorgan Equivalent Symbols, Use the HETERO Attribute to control Heterogeneous Symbol Packaging Module 6: Padstack Editor Use the Padstack Editor to Define Holes, Pads and Padstacks, Define and Use Padstack Technologies, Create and Use Custom Pads and Drill Symbols Module 7: Cell Editor Invoke the Cell Editor, Use the Main Cell Editor Dialog, and Create a New Cell Module 8: Cell Editor Graphics Enter Draw Mode in the Cell Editor, • Create the Draw Elements, Edit Graphics in the Cell Editor Module 9: Cell Editor Routing Enter Route Mode in the Cell Editor, Use Editor Control to Influence Fanouts in the Cell Editor, Create AutoActive and Interactive Fanouts, Edit Fanouts Module 10: Cell Editor Advanced Topics Use Templating to Start New Cells from Existing Cells, Import Graphics into a Cell Using DXF Files, Create Mechanical Cells, Place Nested Mechanical Cells within a Package Cell Module 11: Text Property Definitions Discuss the Parameters of Text properties, Create User Defined Properties, Set Text Properties for Device Place Inclusion Module 12: Parts Database Editor Describe a PDB Entry, Create a New Part, Effectively Use the Part Number, Part Name and Part Label Properties, Import a Symbol and Cell into a Part, Map the Symbol to the Cell in a Part Module 13: Parts Database ASCII Format Create an ASCII PDB File, Import an ASCII PDB File, Explain Strategies for Using an ASCII PDB File Module 14: Advanced Parts Database Import Multiple Symbols into a PDB Entry, Override Implicit PDB Power and Ground Connections on the Schematic, Use Explicit Power Connections on the Schematic, Import Multiple Cells into a PDB Entry Module 15: Layout Templates Explain how a Template is Used in Expedition PCB,Create New Templates, Edit and New Templates Module 16: DxDatabook Create an ODBC reference on your system, Configure DxDatabook, Set parameters on Table Fields for DxDatabook, Add new Libraries and Tables to an existing DxDatabook Configuration