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Variables in Designer >
   Variable Types and Scoping       

Variable Types and Scoping

Variables of three types can be defined: project variables, local variables, and parameter defaults.

• A project variable is available across all hierarchical levels of a project, and can be identified by its dollar sign ($) prefix, as in $C1. If, for instance, a project variable $C1 has been defined as equal to 4.32pF, a capacitance property for a component anywhere in that project can be set equal to 4.32pF by typing $C1 in the appropriate Value field.

• A local variable is available only within the design for which it is defined. If, for example, a local variable R2 has been defined as equal to 4316Ohms, a resistance property anywhere in that design can be set equal to 4316Ohms by entering R2 in the appropriate Value field. A local variable takes the same value across multiple instances of a design. If three subcircuit instances contain a local variable R2 that is defined as 4316Ohms, redefining R2 as 1625Ohms in any of the instances redefines R2 as equal to 1625Ohms in all three instances.

• A parameter default is a local variable with a default value that can be overridden in instances of a design. For example, if three subcircuit instances contain a parameter default C1 that is defined as equal to 11.3pF, C1 may be overridden as 11.8pF in the first instance, overridden as 10.9pF in the second, and left at its default value of 11.3pF in the third. A property value that has been set by means of a parameter default is called a passed parameter.


If you define a variable as an expression that evaluates to a constant, whether a project, local or parameter variable, the expression will be retained in the variable list, rather than being evaluated and replaced with a constant. This allows you to identify and modify the expression in the future.



Whether you are defining project, local, or parameter variables, intrinsic names (f, freq, lb, etc) are reserved and cannot be used or entered into the source and port dialogs. See Reserved Variable Names for details.


The Nexxim netlist project type does not automatically reference project variables or intrinsic variables. For a netlist created or read in without a schematic representation, variables must be specifically defined.



The concept of the project space throughout which a variable applies is known as scoping. A project variable has global scope; local variables and parameter defaults have local scope. A third type of scoping, parent scope, is possible. In parent scoping, variables defined in a design are available within it and its subdesigns; that is, a subdesign inherits variables defined for its parent. Designer does not support parent scoping, with one important exception: Local variables and parameter defaults have parent scope within libraries.

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