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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Variables in Designer >
   Defining Local Variables >
       Defining Fixed Variables           

Defining Fixed Variables

By default, both Design variables and Project variables are included in the list of variables that index solution data. As a result, they are then visible when selecting data to be displayed in plots. But if you define a variable as being "fixed", it is not swept and it will not index solution data. Consequently, defining variables as being fixed can speed up simulation — particularly if there are many variables to simulate.

To define a variable as being "fixed", open the Property dialog for Project variables or Local variables. These dialogs contain an additional Sweep column that controls whether the variable is fixed.

• If a Sweep checkbox is checked (default) the corresponding variable is NOT fixed

• If a Sweep checkbox is unchecked, the variable is fixed.


Sweeps can be defined in the Analysis folder for each simulation setup, and the setup dialog will contain the list of variables being swept.

Click the Add button to open an Add Sweep dialog that lets you select from a drop-down list of non-fixed variables.

Orphaned Sweeps

If you create a simulation setup that contains a sweep of a variable, and then subsequently uncheck the variable's Sweep check box, the variable becomes fixed and as a result, its sweep is "orphaned". The sweep is removed from the setup and the simulation runs as if the sweep did not exist.

• When you close the Property dialog, a warning message is added to the Message Window for each orphaned sweep.

• If you re-edit an orphaned variable in the Property dialog and re-check its Sweep box, the orphaned sweep will be restored to the setup list.

• If you double-click a setup that contains orphaned sweeps, a popup dialog asks if Designer should delete the orphaned sweeps. If you respond Yes, all orphaned sweeps are deleted when the Property dialog is closed — even if you re-check a Sweep checkbox, its orphaned sweep will NOT be restored — and this action is undoable.

• Note that orphaned sweeps are not written to disk when the project is saved, so once you save a project and close it, any orphaned sweeps are permanently lost.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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