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System Simulator >
Discrete Time Analysis >
   Displaying Discrete Time Simulation Results       

Displaying Discrete Time Simulation Results

For discrete time simulations, results may be viewed in one of the following domains in the Reporter:

1. Sweep Domain

2. Time Domain (Standard, Constellation, Eye Diagram and Statistical report types)

3. Spectral Domain

Obtaining measurements for discrete time analysis always involves the use of probes. As you may expect, some probes are only applicable to the Sweep Domain. Examples of such probes include the BERP and ACPRP probes (since the BER and ACPR responses are typically plotted against some swept parameter). On the other hand, signal, voltage, and power probes are applicable only to the Time and Spectral Domains, since the response obtained from these probes is typically plotted against time or frequency. Time and Spectral displays may also be viewed for different swept values. A special class of probes provides statistical displays of time domain signals, such as histogram and CCDF probes.

Currently, the following probes are available:

1. ACPRP: Adjacent Channel Power Ratio Probe (Sweep Domain). See cdmaffwd example.

2. AVGPP: Average Power Probe (Sweep Domain)

3. BERP: Bit Error Rate Probe (Sweep Domain). See gsm example.

4. CCDFP: Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function Probe (Statistical Time Domain)

5. CDFP: Cumulative Distribution Function Probe (Statistical Time Domain)

6. CFP: Crest Factor Probe (Sweep Domain)

7. EVMP: Error Vector Magnitude Probe (Sweep Domain)

8. FTRAJP: Frequency Trajectory Probe (Time Domain) for tracking frequency changes in a PLL. This probe may be connected to the output of a VCO. See pll example.

9. HISTP: Histogram Probe (Statistical Time Domain)

10. PAPP: Peak-to-Average Power Probe (Sweep Domain)

11. PDFP: Probability Density Function Probe (Statistical Time Domain)

12. PP: Power Probe (Time and Spectral Domains). See comrec example.

13. PSDP: Power Spectral Density Probe (Spectral Domain). See cdmaffwd example.

14. RMSP: Root Mean Square Probe (Sweep Domain)

15. SNDP: Signal to Noise and Distortion Probe (Sweep Domain).

16. SP: Signal Probe (Time and Spectral Domains). See gsm, cdmaffwd, pll and am examples.

17. VP: Voltage Probe (Time and Spectral Domains). See comrec and cdmaffwd examples.

18. IP: Current Probe

19. PNP: Phase Noise Probe. An example of the use of the PNP probe in a fractional-N synthesizer design is provided with Designer. Use the File menu to open InstallDirectory/Designer3/Examples/System/Motorola_Fractional_Synthesizer.adsn. InstallDirectory is the directory where Designer is installed. See the References under this topic for a paper describing this design and how it was simulated in Designer.

For more information on the measurements obtained by each probe, please refer to the individual probe component help sections.

Once the signal analysis is performed, the user should be able to bring up the Create Report editor to display the results for the Standard, Constellation, Eye Diagram or Statistical Reports. After selecting the solution (analysis) of interest and one of the available domains (Time, Spectral or Sweep) from the Domain field, the user can select the probe responses available for display from the Quantity field of the editor. Once a specific probe response is selected, a list of functions and units in the Function field will be displayed. The user can then view the probe response in any of the forms available in the Function list.

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