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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Smith Tool >
   Smith Tool Capabilities       

Smith Tool Capabilities

The Smith Tool addresses amplifier design for gain and noise, design of general matching circuits, and initial design of oscillators. Circles of constant gain, noise, reflection, and stability regions are used to select circuit impedances and design parameters. Capabilities of the Smith Tool include:

•  Arbitrary grids for impedance, admittance, Q, VSWR, and so on

•  Constant available gain and power gain circles

•  Constant noise circles

•  Stability circles

•  Circles of constant reflection for oscillator design

•  Bilateral mapping between source and load planes with gain mismatch circles

•  Ladder matching circuits using discrete and distributed elements




The Smith Tool is available to analyze the results of linear network analyses performed by the Nexxim simulator on schematic-based designs. Netlist-only Nexxim designs cannot be analyzed with the Smith Tool.


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