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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Smith Tool >
   Creating Matching Networks       

Creating Matching Networks


To create a matching network with the Smith Tool:

1. Click New Match to place a starting-point impedance on the Smith chart.

The cursor moves to the graph center.

2. Move the cursor to the impedance you want to match, and then click.

3. Click a component button.

An arc on the Smith chart shows the effect of the impedance transformation the component performs. Crosshairs in the box at one end of the arc identify that end as adjustable.

4. Click the adjustment box to display the locus of values available for that component.

5. Adjust the component’s value by dragging its adjustment box to the desired point on its arc.

As you place and adjust matching components, the values shown in the Nominal Value, Normalized Impedance and Normalized Admittance boxes update to show the value of the current component.

You can modify the value of an existing matching component with your mouse or your keyboard.

•  To adjust a matching component with your mouse:

— Click the component’s adjustment box with your mouse.

— Drag the box adjustment box to a new value.

•  To adjust a matching component with your keyboard:

— Click the component’s adjustment box to select it.

— Type a new value in the Nominal Value, Normalized Impedance, or Normalized Admittance box.

— Press ENTER.

6. Continue placing appropriate components to transform the impedance until you reach the chart origin (or your target impedance).

— At any time, you can click the endpoint of any existing matching component and drag it to a new value. The display updates to show the new match.

— To delete the current component, click Delete Last. You can click Delete Last repeatedly to undo the current matching session element by element.

7. Once you’re satisfied with the match, click Export.

Your new matching network is copied to the current circuit as a subcircuit.




You can create multiple matching networks during a given Smith Tool session. To selectively export any one among multiple existing networks, select it—click it to highlight it — before you click Export. If multiple matching networks exist and you do not select one before clicking Export, Smith Tool exports the most recently created network.

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