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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Miscellaneous Schematic Operations >
       Schematic List Dialog           

Schematic List Dialog

The purpose of the Schematic List dialog is to provide a convenient way to view the components, graphics, ports and nets of a schematic. You can also use the dialog to delete or manipulate the properties related to a schematic. To access the dialog, from the Designer top menu bar, select Schematic > List:


The Schematic List dialog contains four tabs: Components, Graphics, Ports, and Nets.

• Each tab contains a grid that shows the items that are contained in the schematic.

• Each row in the grid contains one item, and each column displays an aspect of that item.

• Selecting a row will zoom to that item in the schematic.

• Multiple items can be selected at once, which will zoom/pan the schematic display so that all selected items are visible.


Components Tab


• Name: Shows the ID of the schematic component

• Type: Shows the component name from the library

• Page: Shows the page number on which that component is located

• Description: Shows the component description

• Properties: Shows the overridden properties of that component


Graphics Tab


• Name: Shows the ID of the graphic

• Type: Shows the graphic type (Circle, Rectangle, Arc, Text, etc.)

• Page: Shows the page number on which that graphic is located

• Description: Shows the text for textual graphics, and is blank for non-textual graphics


Ports Tab


• Name: Shows the name of the port

• Type: Shows the port type (Interface, Page, or Global)

• Page: Shows the page number on which that port is located


Nets Tab


• Name: Shows the name of the net

• Bus: Is checked if the item is a bus, and is unchecked for normal wires

• Page: Shows the page number on which that net is located.
Please note that a net may appear more than once if it spans multiple pages

• Pins: Number of pins connected to that net

• Segments: Number of individual line segments that comprise that net


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