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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Starting the Schematic Editor >
       Schematic Grid Setup           

Schematic Grid Setup

You can adjust the visibility, color, resolution, and other characteristics of the Schematic editor grid. To access these settings, do either of the following to open the Grid Setup dialog:

• On the Schematic menu, click Grid Setup.

• On the Schematic toolbar, click the Grid Setup button .

The Grid Setup dialog is used to set visibility, colors, resolutions, and snapping for the Schematic editor’s alignment grid.


Grid Lines Group

Major—This check box specifies the spacing of major grid lines (default in mils). To specify a different value, click in the Major box and type the new value. To change the color of the major grid lines, click the Major color button, specify a color in the Color dialog box, and then click OK

Minor—This check box specifies the spacing of minor grid lines (default in mils). To specify a different value, click in the Minor box, and then type the new value. To change the color of the minor grid lines, click the Minor color button, specify a color in the Color dialog box, and then click OK.

Show Grid—This check box toggles grid-line visibility. Check Show Grid to make the grid lines visible, or clear Show Grid to turn grid line display off. The default for Show Grid is on/checked.

Snap Text and Graphics to Grid —This check box controls whether graphics (arcs, circles, lines, polygons, rectangles, and text) placed near the grid, but not on, will automatically snap upon placement to the nearest grid intersection. The default for Snap Text and Graphics to Grid is on/checked.


Other Group

Background Color—This control sets the background color used for schematic editing. To modify the Background Color, click the color box to open the Color dialog box. Then specify a color and click OK.

Save as Default—Check this box to save the current Grid Setup values for use across Designer sessions.

• Click Defaults to restore all Grid Setup settings to their installation defaults.

• Click OK to commit changes made and close the dialog box.

• Click Cancel to close this dialog box without committing any changes.




To ensure electrical connectivity among schematic elements, the pins and wires of placed components/ports always snap to a 100-mil (2.54-millimeter) connectivity grid regardless of the Major and Minor grid line settings. This snapping cannot be turned off. Additionally, the default spacing of the connectivity grid cannot be adjusted.



Use of the Minor grid settting varies depending upon the active Editor. In the Layout Editor, the minor grid-line setting specifies the number of units between each minor grid division. However, in the Schematic and Symbol Editors, the minor grid-line setting specifies the number of minor grid lines that appear between major grid lines.



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